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TigerIndia Private Limited

Company Profile

High Quality Products from a Modern Production Facility
Our fully equipped factory with the most updated equipment has come out with products which are held to high standards of quality and value. For this reason we have gained the confidence of our customers. Some examples are the micro processor board inserting machine that enables the maximum use of electronics and automatic mass production system for stainless steel vacuum bottles. The latest production facilities have contributed greatly in production rationalization and reduction in power. Although the facility is advanced in modern technology some parts are still manually processed by human hands. Tiger’sphilosophy is not just to mass produce convenient products but also to make every effort to create them with “beauty” “joy” “enjoyment” and “warmth.”

TigerIndia is Proud of a Complete Quality Control System Based on Reliability
Tigerproducts are subjected to a number of severe tests before they are released into the market. One example of testing is to assure a high level of performance and durability for the product. Some of these tests include a durability test for the pouring function of the air pot an automatic inspection of the inner bottle for perfect heat retention functional and durable tests for rice cookers and many more. In addition there are characteristic testing procedures for products in daily use such as safety checks and durability of the materials used electric testing and food sanitation testing. Tiger’squality inspections are conducted with the most updated equipment with the intention to evaluate every imaginable situation. Only products that pass this careful testing are offered to our customers.

Our Wide network Spread all over the world contributes to International Business.Tigerproducts are exported to 60 Nations WorldwideGaining high Credence as reliable TigerBrand.
In concrete terms Tiger’s overseas network is promoting sales activities of Tigerproducts. With this giant network Tigercan contribute to International businesses by providing better promotions and an on-time supply of products as well as offering reliable service. In most of overseas market Tigerhas been able to offer similar sales activities thanks to our overseas distributors and agents.

TigerCorporation aims to be a company that will continue for 100 or 200 years based on our new corporate beliefs.

Since TigerCorporation was founded in 1923 we have continued to deliver accessible household products for daily living. It all started with glass vacuum bottles and went on to expand to rice cookers electric water heaters and other cooking appliances. Since then with the strength of our vacuum insulation technology and creative products which first capture the needs of customers we have been able to deliver convenience and comfort to a variety of every day scenarios.

In 2012 TigerCorporation formulated our new Corporate Beliefs. With our mission of “We will continue to create new every day essentials for the dining experience with ideas that produce warmth.” We aim to become a company that will continue to grow for 100 or 200 years. As globalization progresses we have established sales bases in Shanghai Hong Kong Taiwan and the U.S.A. In addition to our production base in Shanghai we will open a new factory in Vietnam in 2012. As we make steady progress we strive to spread joyous harmony throughout the world.

The vacuum bottle which is the origin on which this company was founded is a product that not only functions to keep drinks warm; it plays the role of magic tool that warms the hearts of those who drink from it. Even though the times may change our resolve remains the same.


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Gurgaon, Haryana

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